Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blog questions from Vincent Perez

1. I am going to use blogger as a model for this particular class. I think it will be a more interesting way to contribute and get my thoughts across, that and I feel that ilearn is waaaaaay over used.

2. I really like reading gadget blogs and random ariticles. like gizmodo and endgadget. Wired appealed to me the most since it closely resembles what i already read. It is also in print form so that gives me the opportunity to get away from the net but also stay connected in a way?

3. It seems that hyperlinks are used to relate certain articles or things that interest the writer in some way. I guess you only decide to click on a hyperlink if it interests you or if you would like to further analyze said topic.

4. I think video blogs are great. I mean anyone can do it and you do not have to be a writer to do so. For example, videos that are sooooo stupid but are funny at the same time like "charlie teh unicorn".


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