Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I feel like during times of need people turn to faith to answer their questions or to give blame. In the entire book we see that Zeitoun believes that god has a plan. I feel that when people aren’t given a direct answer or feel like they need one, they turn to their religion or some sort of higher being to put them at ease.

I personally believe that people need a sense of hope, just like Zeitoun did during the entire time of the book. Zeitoun felt that god was the reason for the hurricane and god had sent him to help aid the cause. Zeitoun was almost like a modern day savior saving people who were trapped.


For those who do not seek faith for answers, they seek that which threatens them the most. Since 9/11, the US was on high alert and kept a close eye on Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia because they threatened the US way of life. We tend to profile people and classify everyone based on looks, religion, and stereotypes. Because Zietoun fit the stereotypical view of “Al queda,” those who threatened the American way of life, then it seemed “right” to detain him.

Again “God” plays a huge role in the American way of life, “Under god,” a trademark placed everywhere, recited in schools, common areas, etc. Those who practice religion, because of fear, correlated the 9/11 attacks with the devil, thus making Muslims a threat. This goes both ways, those who associated with Al queda saw us as the devil, and their actions were just because god told them to.


“God has a plan.” Zietoun truly believed that god had a plan for him and believed that everything that led up to the hurricane had a purpose. He believed that he was being tested by god, because he had no answer for what has happened to his community, to his country, or what has happened to him. In the end ignorance is bliss, and we turn to that which has no answers for all the awnsers…


  1. Vincent,
    I think you bring up some great points and could go so many places with this, my first ideas are:
    Religion and the Zeitoun family
    Religion and discrimination post 9/1
    Religion in Schools
    Religion on same sex marriages
    Religious cults
    Religious views of Japan Earthquake survivors and how it will affect the overall recovery
    Religion and natural disasters in general

    Hope some of this helps!

  2. Vincent, I also agree that Religion always has and will always play a role in our lives either directly or indirectly. Regardless if people, the nation and so on are actually true followers of a religion. A lot of our morals, decision are influences by teachings that religion has for us.
